Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bad Judgement Wednesday...

What is Bad Judgement Wednesday? I learned it from my friend Evan. Last summer he and another friend, Nick, started doing epic high-country rides with no notice. Those all occurred on Wednesday's.

My initial foray into Bad Judgement Wednesday (BJW) started at 7:00pm while leaving work last October. The idea floated was to go ride The Whole Enchilada in Moab. Evan, Nick, Aaron, and I loaded up Evan's truck and left Golden around 9:00pm. We arrived in Moab at 2:00am and our shuttle pickup was at 8:30am. There were some emergency repairs before we even got started and ended up being chased down the mountain by the first snowstorm of the year. That same storm left us driving home on I-70 doing 30mph, because the conditions were so bad. All-in-all, really bad judgement.

Aaron, Evan, and Nick on Porcupine Rim, Moab
That being said, it is hands down one of the best rides I have ever done. I would do the same thing again at the drop of a hat. Totally worth it.

Why BJW? Simple. Because some of the best experiences you can have come from making what seem like bad decisions. So is life.

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