With Austin being such a long race, I figure it a good idea to get in a Sprint and an Olympic race beforehand. With the Olympic being half the length of the half-Ironman and the Sprint half of that again. It provides me with two intervals to gauge my training and to practice my transitions.
The Sprint is two weeks out on Saturday, June 21st. It's the Lookout Mountain Sprint Triathlon. It's a 525yd swim, 10 mile ride, and 5k run. The course is hilly, so it should be interesting to see where my training is taking me, as I have been doing most of my riding on the trainer due to time (and light) constraints. It will be at the end of week 4 of training.
The Olympic, which is tentatively on the calendar, is August 17th. It is the (arguably dumbest name ever) YOLO Olympic Triathlon. It's a .8 mile swim, 25 mile ride, and 6.2 mile run. This one looks to be mostly flat, so I should be able to really focus on my ride. That will be undoubtedly my strongest leg, so I want to get a gauge of how much I can push myself to not blow up on the run. It will also likely be my first (and possibly only) open water swim before Austin. I will be able to work on my drafting and landmarking (aiming). It will be at the end of week 10 of training.
We'll see how this all shakes out.
As the weight comes off the times and pain should come down.