Morning: Off
Evening: 25 mile ride
Evening result: 1:29 hours / average heart rate 137 bpm
Sarah is on a business trip until Friday, so it's just Haley and me. Normally we take a split approach to getting her ready for bed; me for dinner and bath, Sarah for bedtime. That allows me to get onto the trainer by 7pm. Last night I didn't get started on my ride until 8:30pm. My ride and stretching weren't over until almost 11:30pm, which is after I normally go to sleep. I am using the late night and Sarah's traveling to justify my pushing of rest day to today instead of Friday. That will allow me to not have to figure out how to handle Haley while I go on my run.

We did play all night instead of turning on the TV last night. Most of our time was spent on blocks. While she might have had a little help, we were able to make a nice castle. Thankfully I wore her out last night, because she let me sleep in until 6:40am today. She was just playing in her room instead of coming into ours and waking me up.
We have a busy weekend coming up. I have a long ride and run this weekend. Somebody from SolarCity is coming out to give us an estimate on what electricity costs would be if we installed panels. I have my bike fit, Sarah has a friend in town from London, and we're trying to get to Home Depot to price out new counter tops. Plus I'd like to get to Runner's Roost to see about getting some new shoes. Mine are starting to get worn out and the pronate is amplified, which might be causing some of my calf issues.
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