Morning: 1250 yard swim - 300 yard warm-up; 800 yard swim; 150 yard cool down
Morning Result: 500 yard swim / 8:56 minutes
Evening: 25 mile ride
Evening Result: 25 miles / 1:23 hours / average heart rate 129 bpm
Very tired Monday and my workouts reflected that. I pushed myself pretty hard at the end of last week and I felt it. Not exactly a day to write home about
Tuesday Workout:
Morning: 2000 yard swim - 300 yard warm-up; 500 swim, 400 pull, 300 kick, 200 swim, 100 pull; 200yard cool down
Evening: 60 minute run
Evening Result: 7.125 miles / average heart rate 149 bpm / 8:25 minute pace
This was my first really long swim workout. One of the things that Peter had told me was to focus on my stroke and drag until I get efficient, then add in kicking. My pull (no kicking, using float for legs) was marginally slower than my normal swim. Clearly I am doing more dragging than kicking. Once I am able to get another video of my swimming for Peter we'll see what he says need to be fixed now.
The run was epic for me. It was indoor, so controlled temp and flat, but my best long run to date. Sub-8:30 pace which in of itself is fast for me. Let alone for an hour, doing over 7 miles. It definitely felt really good. I ran later than normal though, so I was able to digest dinner properly. I drank a diluted mix of my PowerBar drink during the run as well. The combo of having time to digest and the diluted mix seemed to be a positive. Going forward, I will use a diluted blend.
Wednesday Workout:
Morning: Skipped
Evening: Skipped
You would assume that doesn't look too hard to get to, but you'd be wrong. Underneath the insulation is drywall that cannot be stepped on, so you're only moving on the 2x4's. This is at the far end of the house from the access point, so I ended up crawling to the other side of the attic by structural members. Then I got to crawl army-style on my back just to get to where I could place the bucket. The drip was substantial enough to fill up ~6 gallons of water between 8am when I left for work and bed time at 10pm. Sarah isn't going to climb up into the attic for this kind of work, so each trip was on me. Not that it would matter, because she left for a presentation in San Francisco that afternoon.
Usually when Sarah is out of town I am able to juggle getting her, dropping her at the nursery at the gym so I can workout, and then get home to do our normal nighttime routine, but not with the drip. It cost me both of Wednesday's workouts.
Thursday workout:
Morning: Skipped
It rained for 6 straight days, which never happens, and that is part of why the leak occured. More volume than the roof could take. For context, this pond is normally 10' x 10' and maybe 2 feet deep. I'd estimate that at the deepest it is probably 7 to 8 feet deep. It had reached the overflow and was draining through that instead of the normal drain at the bottom of the dam(?). It stopped raining that morning and the pond had completely drained when I got home from work.
Friday workout:
Morning: Skipped
Evening: 1500 yard swim; 30 mile ride; 50 minute run
Evening Result:
Swim: 500 yard warm-up; 16 x 50 10" rest; 200 yard cool down
Bike: 25.56 miles / 1330 feet climbing / average heart rate 135 bpm
Run: 9 minutes / 1.1 mile / average heart rate 133 bpm
In an effort to get caught up on my workouts, I decided to try and do three in one go - ie. an Olympic triathlon. The swim didn't go to badly. I definitely felt the difference between morning and evening swimming as I just didn't have as much juice. I made a switch to the bike and realized pretty much as soon as I started that I didn't have the right jersey. I was in my tri top, not a road jersey which tend to be slightly warmer. The ride went well, but I had to cut it short as I was running out of light. I did forget a running shirt so I ended up running in my tri top again. I am still not somebody who should be running it a tight top like that, so it made for some funny looks from the other people on the track. The transition to run wasn't that bad. It took about a half-mile to get my legs working properly, but it wasn't bad. I was on good pace and could have kept going, but stopped given I had an 80-minute run to do Saturday morning.
Saturday workout:
Morning: 1000 yard swim / 80 minute run
Result: Missed / Blew Goatballs
I held off doing my run in the morning while I waited for the roofer to come inspect and repair the roof. Also because I was still exhausted from Friday's workout. Doing a race (while not racing) will wear you out. He arrived after 9:30am, which is too late to start a run that long as it puts you on trail at 11am. Which will cook you. My plan was to swim and run in the evening. We went out to dinner a nice little wine bar in old town Littleton which was a bit too nice to have kids. To keep Haley under control, she sat on my leg all the way through dinner. He sit bone planted nicely in the middle of my thigh. Getting up it was clear that my leg was not happy, but I kept to the plan.
I missed swimming as getting Haley ready for bed took longer than expected, but still went for the run. I left at 8:00pm with a headlamp and splitting headache. My head had been bothering me but I figured I could just run it out. Not so much. I started out limping, which was a bad sign. The thigh Haley had sat on was not pleased. My headamp died about a mile into the run, then my headache got worse. It pretty much ended my run right there. I forced myself to finish walking the big block around our house, but it isn't even worth noting. I turned off my timer and heartrate monitor as it was a waste of battery for that.
Sunday workout:
Morning: 35 mile ride
Result: 35.29 miles / 2:09 hours / average heart rate 130
This went better though. The ride was up to Golden along C470, through Morrison, behind the Hogback by Red Rocks, into Golden, and back the same way. My leg started out sore, but with a long 20-minute warm-up I was able to start working pretty well until it went away after about 30minutes. I really focused on my eating and drinking, eating three Gu gels, two Gu chews, a large bottle of mix and two large bottles of water. I felt strong the whole way, even through my warm-down. The climb from Morrison to Golden is brutal. Three miles with an average grade of 4* is rough when you are geared to go fast on flat terrain. The tri bike is far from a climbing machine.
Overall the ride was uneventful until coming back down Red Rocks to Morrison. It's one lane going downhill with a 45-50mph speed limit. Doing the sane and legal thing, I took my lane and kept a solid 35mph going down the hill. Given it's only three miles, as a car you aren't going to be delayed by more than 1 minute top to bottom. There was nobody behind me halfway down when I had a straight and looked. I point this out because I was getting to the bottom of the hill where it goes 25mph into a T-intersection, an asshole thought it a great idea to blast past me while on the horn. When you are in the tuck, you basically have no ability to make sudden maneuvers. So if things go wrong it probably won't end well for you.
We got to the red light at the same time and I lost my shit. He was with what looked to be his wife and kids and went 'deer in headlights' while I was laying into him. I think when I mentioned that going down at those speeds on a bike can kill you and that I would like to spend time with my daughter when I got home, much like he was now, he had a light bulb go on. His face changed from terror and 'what do I do?' to 'Oh. I'm the asshole here'. The burn of disgust from everybody in the town looking at him probably had some impact too. Hopefully it changes how he drives around cyclists.
We got the roof fixed today too. Apparetly when the vents on the roof were installed, they were just mounted onto the top of the felt (modern tar replacement) with the shingles laid over the top. The only thing preventing the water from draining was the shingles. The problem we had is that there was some wind damage over one of the vents and with no shingle covering the vent base, the water just drained in. He found that all of the vents were installed incorrectly, so he is fixing them all. As annoying as it is, having this go wrong could not have happened at a better, worse time. We are installing solar and needed to have some wind damage repaired. The repairs would need the panels removed if dealt with in the future, so there you go. He also quoted us $275 to fix the single leaky vent. When he found all 12 needed to be repaired, he changed the quote to $1875, which is about $1400 less than if he had charged them all at normal price. It's not much and I am still cutting a check for $1875, but it's far better than $3300 or the worst case scenario of having to replace the roof.
This coming week should be interesting as Dee is on vacation and we had to find alternatives for Haley's daycare. Through work we are able to take her to Bright Horizon's Montessori for the week at $10 per day. That's way less than we pay as it is. Given how close it is to the office and what we are currently paying for daycare, Montessori might make sense. Not 100% as convenient as next door, but still hard to argue against. Especially because it gets her around more kids, which is good for everybody in the household.
Lastly, we are officially grown-ups. We now have a full-sized fridge in the garage.
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